Crystal Chip - Tutorial: Install BootManager and Firmware via Network

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Here's the perfect solution for everyone, who doesn't want to waste CDs anymore. One of my favorite Crystal Chip features.

You can install firmware and BootManager via network. And I'll show you how to do it.
Of course you need a working local network to connect PC and PS2.
This tutorial was written for firmware release 29. But you can still use this method with newer releases to start BM with the network on the PS2.

Needed Tools

  • a text editor (the Windows Notepad is sufficient)
  • "PS2Link" v1.51 (included in every FW since version 25)
  • "PS2Client" v3.0.0 (Download our customized version for Windows : PS2Client for CC Network Installation)
  • firmware and BM, you want to install


  1. First we'll prepare the files on the PC. Extract the firmware you want to install and execute the "makeit_nocd.bat" to create the FW only, or the "makeit.bat if you also need the CD image. You can also extract a built image file to install it. Now copy the content of the "PS2Client" archive into the "FILES" folder, (the folder where the "BM" folder is located) and change the IP address in all the "*.bat" files to match your PS2 settings.
  2. Then you need to change the IP settings in the "Network Config" menu inside BM to match your setup.
  3. Start "PS2Link" on your PS2 from the device of your choice.
  4. Execute the "reset.bat"
  5. Execute the "exec.bat" | If no mistake has sneaked in, BootManager should load on your PS2.
  6. Now you can install FW and BM.

So, that's it. I hope it was clear enough.

Have fun with saving your CDs.

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