Trouble Shooting

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Here you will find helpful tips that will hopefully guide you through any problems you may be having with your CC install.



Diagnosis LED

The Diagnosis LED can aid you in trouble shooting an install error. The Diagnosis LED only checks bios wires. The bios wires consist of M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, U, V and W. What this mean is that if you have a problem with any other solder points the Diagnosis LED can not give a direct reading of those wires. However with a few simple observations problems with non-bios wires can be concluded, this will be covered latter.

LED Reading

First we will cover the readings you may receive from the Diagnosis LED. The LED can give 3 different readings.

  • Quick Flash - bios wires are installed correctly (all clear)
  • 2 Second Green Flash - bios wire(s) are incorrect
  • Solid Green - bios wire(s) are incorrect

Individual Wire Tests

These tests were performed on a V4 PS2 with a CC2.0 SLE installed. Other console versions and CC versions should read similar however this has not been tested yet. Each wire was tested individually by lifting it from the CC then booting the console.

  • W - quick flash - also with a BSOD
  • R - solid green
  • M - 2 second green - also with a BSOD
  • N - 2 second green
  • O - solid green
  • P - solid green
  • Q - solid green
  • T - solid green
  • U - solid green
  • V - solid green

Now you may be wondering why when W was lifted we received a quick flash (all clear) from the LED. This is what we will call a false positive. Apparently the LED cant test the W wire or has error with testing the W wire. You will also notice that you receive a BSOD with the W lifted which is a dead giveaway that you have a problem.

LED Media Examples

Here are a few examples of the LED in action. This is the V4 we tested. You will notice that the HA wire is missing. This is a non-bios wire that will be discussed latter. It was intentionally left off to demonstrate how the LED will not test non-bios wires. In each video file you can see the 3 different readings you can receive . You can also clearly see the bios wires lifted.

BSOD issues

This document is unfinished. Return for more helpful information soon.

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