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Infinity option configuration menu :

Press TRIANGLE + CIRCLE to enter the configuration menu.

PS2 SCREEN FIX : OFF : Disables PS2 video fix.

               COLOR  : Games will be output on their original video mode (PAL/NTSC)
                        with color correction applied to match your PS2 region.

               PAL    : Force video mode to PAL

               NTSC   : Force video mode to NTSC

               PAL60  : Force all games to NTSC with color correction.
                        Games will run faster but screen might need adjusting.

               VGA    : Enable 640x480 VGA mode.

Y SCREEN FIX : OFF : Y screen position fix is disabled.

               AUTO   : Y position fix enabled with default settings.
                        Should be fine for most television sets.

               +/- N  : Fine tune Y position.
                        Positive values move the screen down, Negative values move it up.

PSX SCREEN FIX : ON/OFF : Enable/Disable PSX screen fix

PSX MULTI DISK : ON/OFF : Enable/Disable PSX multi disk support

MC16 PATCH : ON/OFF : Enable/Disable D4TEL memory card support

ATAD AUTO PATCH : ON/OFF : Enable/Disable ATAD auto patch

MACROVISION FIX : ON/OFF : Enable/Disable Macrovision patch

GREEN FIX : ON/OFF : Enable/Disable green correction on DVD movies

DVD VIDEO REGION : 1..8 : Selects the DVD player region. Use it to match the corresponding region on RCE protected discs.

DVD9 DL SUPPORT : ON/OFF : Enable/Disable Double Layer patch

BOOT MODE : AUTO : Normal behaviour. All discs wil autoboot.

               FAST   : FastBoot.
                        Same as pressing SELECT on boot.

               INFMAN : Execute Infinity Manager on mc0:
                        Same as Pressing TRIANGLE on boot.

               DEV1   : Execute BOOT.ELF on mc0:
                        Same as Pressing R1 on boot.

               DEV2   : Execute BOOT.ELF on HDD
                        Same as Pressing L1 on boot.

               DVDV   : Force DVD video mode.
                        Same as Pressing CIRCLE on boot.

PAD DETECT TIME : 2..10 : Select time to wait for connected pad on boot. Only useful if pad is left unconnected.

BOOT LOGO : ON/OFF : Enable/Disable Matrix boot logo.