Thursday, 11 January 2007 |
We've finally released the next version of our Crystal Chips Software! Release 30 includes many improvements in reliability and speed as well as some cool new features like In-Game-Reset(IGR) for reseting your PS2 by controller buttons and "Shortcuts" which allow you to call PBAT scripts(app, menus, etc) with the press of a button! View the readme.txt for more information and enjoy! |
v15 GH-051-02 diagrams updated |
Friday, 08 September 2006 |
Today we uploaded a new version of the v15 GH-051-02 diagrams. The old diagrams had a wrong order of the bios solder points. |
Free Crystal Chip 2.0 samples available |
Wednesday, 06 September 2006 |
With the release our the Crystal Chip v2.0, we'd like to offer free samples to operators of PS2 websites around the world. We have a limited number of samples available so if you operate a PS2 website and wish to sample the CC2.0 for review please contact use from our contact web form. We don't ask you to do a positive review, simply an honest and accurate one. |
Wednesday, 06 September 2006 |
We've uploaded Crystal Chips Software Release 29. This release fixes a scripting error which caused Autoload and Button Configuration menus to not work correctly. |
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