GH-036/040 diagrams online |
Thursday, 01 December 2005 |
We received a SCPH-75001 GH-040-52 console today, thanks to Logan! The mainboard is quite different from what we know as the so called v14 consoles, it is almost identical with the GH-036 revisions. Crystal Chip 1.1 works fine with all revisions including the latest GH-036/040 revisions, the installation diagrams can be found in our diagrams section.
Release 19 is coming soon ... |
Friday, 18 November 2005 |
We've uploaded Release 18 of our software pack. This release included bug-fixed firmware for use on v14 (7500x) consoles. Please do not use or distribute Release 17 since Release 17 has a bug which causes v14 (7500x) consoles to not boot if a memory card with BootManager installed is not inserted. Please use Release 18 instead. Release 18 is intended as a temporary solution to provide full support for v14 (7500x) consoles, with exception of PS1 discs. In this release (and Release 17) PS1 discs will not work on v14 (7500x) consoles. This is a known issue and is currently being resolved. This is not a hardware issue and will be fully addressed in our next release. Release 19 will follow sometime early next week. We will also explain some of the new features in BootManager at that time. |
Thursday, 17 November 2005 |
We've uploaded Software Release 17 Beta.
Important: Crystal Chip will autodetect the firmware disc and will load the 'Main Menu'. Please follow these steps strictly in the order they are listed:
Step 1: Insert Memory Card Step 2: Insert firmware disc Step 3: Install Bootmanager v1.7 Step 4: Upgrade firmware Step 5: Put console in standby mode Step 6: Turn console on again to enter Bootmanager v1.7
Do not upgrade new firmware before Bootmanager v1.7 was installed on the inserted memory card. Please follow this advise to avoid the risk of damage. This is still a beta-release.
This release adds a number of features including the ability to add new devices (USB, HDD, etc) which may be used to load homebrew applications. This also adds v14 support. Please note that this release has known bugs and another new release will follow shortly. PS1 games may not work on some versions of consoles with this release of software. If you have problems with PS1 games or anything else, please give us a few days for us to release our next upgrade to resolve these issues. |
Complete PS2 v14 support for all Crystal Chips |
Thursday, 10 November 2005 |
We're near completion of our next software release. This release includes full support for the new v14 75xxx version PS2. As we've stated before, we will continue to support all revisions of our hardware as long as is possible. We're happy to say that all currently available revisions of Crystal Chips are compatible with v14. We realize that our customers, especially resellers, can be put in a bad position if a new console comes out which is incompatible with the chips they have. Thankfully we've designed our hardware well enough that it can withstand substantial changes to the console without losing compatability. We expect to release this new software on Monday, 14 November. This release will be a beta version and follow it up with an official release once we get a chance to finalize some of the new features. This will allow us to get v14 support to our customers faster as well as giving other customers access to the cool new features we've added since our last update. |
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