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Crystal Chip Advertising
Monday, 18 October 2004
We uploaded some images of Crystal Chip for online advertising. Please feel free to use them: download
PS2 v12 Progress
Saturday, 16 October 2004
Sorry for the delay everyone. We've been busy sorting out v12 (aka "PSTwo™") US and haven't had time to get the forums online until now.

But the good news is that Crystal Chip is now working with v12! Now we're really glad we optimized the Crystal Chip size as inside the v12 there's little room for additional components. But we have no problems getting Crystal Chip in. We will be getting diagrams online in the following days.

The bad news is that it appears as though Sony® has added a hardware-based protection to defeat unofficial (MM16/etc) memory cards. We will investigate more as time permits, but at this time it must be assumed that v12 is incompatible with these cards. This may be why Datel® has made the new disc-less version of memory cards at the same time as the release of v12 but this is just speculation.

More to come, stay tuned..
Welcome to the new official Crystal Chip website!
Wednesday, 13 October 2004
It's been a long, strange trip but finally Crystal Chip is here and things just got a whole lot more interresting...

Feel free to look around the site to get an idea of what Crystal Chip can do for you. We realize that parts of this site are a severely lacking, but we promise that over the next week we'll be filling it in with lots of goodies. It's been alot of work getting Crystal Chip ready, so now we have to catch up with the documentation. I guess that's the price you pay for original developments though.. ;)

The forums will be online later tonight, we're just finishing them up.

We will also be working on the BootManager site and uploading some screenshots and specifications in the coming days. We gurantee you're going to love it.
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