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Software Release 15
Tuesday, 19 July 2005

After a long delay, we're finally releasing Software Release 15. We've been extremely busy working on and testing our new revisions of the Crystal Chips hardware and making every effort to maintain backward compatability so that we can continue to support our CC1.0 users. Details on our new revisions will be available in the coming weeks.

We've added some preliminary protections to the BootManager software to discourage users of other chips from using our software. If you are not a Crystal Chips customer, DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE. Attempting to modify the BootManager executable could cause permanent damage to your PS2 and/or accessories so please don't try to "crack" the software.

Here are some features of the new BM v1.6:
- DVD+R Double Layer support
- Media Type Detection scripts allow you to associate homebrew applications with specific discs based on the disc contents.
- Completely rewritten PBAT script interpreter.
- Highly improved disc authentication system.
- Miscellaneous changes to how the disc and homebrew launching works.

Please see the readme.txt in the upgrade package for more information.

And finally, we'll be rolling out our new multi-language site soon for our non-english speaking customers.

Now that our new hardware revisions are nearly through final testing we expect our firmware releases to become more frequent once again. As always, thank you to all of our users.

Software Release 14
Saturday, 12 February 2005
We've just uploaded Software Release 14(v0.1.4).

Changes in this release included fixes to the X and Y modifiers for PS2 software, fixing compatability with Ratchet and Clank 3 and a couple other minor things. As always, see the readme.txt for more information. Have fun and play nice!
Software Release 13
Thursday, 10 February 2005
We've just uploaded Software Release 13. This release resolves some problems with certain games(mainly some PAL CD games) and various other things. Read the readme for more info. Have fun!
Software Release 12
Friday, 04 February 2005
We're proud to release CC firmware pack 1.2! This release brings an exciting new feature, configurable X and Y modifiers(basically "Y-Fix") for PS2 software! With this feature, you can perfectly fit import PS2 software to your TV screen. Unlike similar products which offer "Y-Fix", you our fix also allows you to specify the exact number of pixels to shift the screen so you don't have to rely on numbers that work well for other people but may not for your own TV. And in addition, the X fix(which is unique to BM) allows you to center the screen to the left/right as well!

We've also fixed a few issues relating to DVD videos and added support for the retail version of CodeBreaker v9. Please see the readme for more information. Enjoy!
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