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v12 Diode Fix Installation
Thursday, 23 December 2004
We uploaded a picture of the v12 Diode Fix Install. Many people asked us where to place the Diode Fix PCB. We hope this picture will make things easier.

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CC with Actel datecode 0346
Thursday, 23 December 2004
We've recieved some reports and samples of CC1.0 chips which would not work in v9-v12 consoles (though some would work in other v9-v12, but not specific consoles) that work fine in earlier models. We've determined that there are a small number of defective FPGA chips in circulation which are not producing enough power to drive out the signals on some consoles with higher strength busses. The defective chips all appear to have datecode 0346. This datecode covers a large number of chips which do not experience this problem. Our statistics based on customer feedback and testing of internal stocks indicates a 2-3% chip defect rate though this could be off due to the fact that the chips work fine in earlier models so customer feedback has questionable accuracy. All current manufacturing is using 04xx (or later 05xx, 06xx, etc) datecode devices which are not showing the defect and tests are being performed to screen for defects.

If you have installed a 0346 datecode CC1.0 in your v9-v12 PS2 and find that it gives you Red Screen Of Death (RSOD) when attempting to boot the firmware upgrade disc, you MAY have a defective chip. Please DO NOT automatically assume the chip is defective as the majority of failures turn out to be soldering mistakes or general installation problems(broken/loose wires, jumbled wires, etc).

The symptoms of this defect are proper installation of a chip, followed by an inability to boot Upgrade Discs and RSOD. Again, based on user feedback and our own tests of defective samples, we've concluded that this should not cause Black Screen(no audio/video on startup). It appears that the BIOS patching is working fine on the defective units and only the PS2 disc authentication patching is not working.

If you have determined your chip is defective, contact the reseller you purchased it from and have them exchange for another. Please be thorough when verifying your installation as it will only waste your time and not solve your problems to exchange the chip if the installation is at fault.

We only mention this defect because we do not believe a 2-3% failure rate, even when it only occurs on specific consoles, is acceptable and want to ensure that our customers are aware of any problems that might slip through our testing. We have improved our testing procedure to include detection of drive strength weakness and will continue to improve our testing techniques to ensure the highest success rate for our customers.

Software Release 9
Wednesday, 22 December 2004
Due to some bugs in the BootManager installation application and scripts, installation of BM was failing when installing from disc. Software Release 9 resolves those issues, no other changes have been made.
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