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Free PS2 v12 Diode Fix
Wednesday, 20 October 2004 (03:30 PM)
Due to the increased demand for the crystal chip on the newest SCPH 7000x consoles we have decided to include the common v12 diode fix board with our crystal chips for free. This should aleviate some of the known issues with all modchips installed in the SCPH 7000x "PSTwo". All aknowledgements go to the Matrix team in their R&D into the problems with the SCPH 7000x. The boards will begin to ship with all of our new shipments to resellers now.

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PS2 v12 Diagram Update
Wednesday, 20 October 2004
We've updated our v12 diagrams to show some easier spots for the "W" and "A" points. Now all points are on the same side of the board.

Please refer to document version 3.00
PS2 v12 Diagram Online
Tuesday, 19 October 2004
We've uploaded the v12 diagram for your viewing pleasure. We've also updated all existing diagrams to reflect the removal of the "TO" point. The updated diagrams can be determined by the "2.0" version number. If you have already downloaded the existing 1.0 diagrams, please delete them and download the new diagrams. Also please do not distribute the 1.0 diagrams as this will only lead to confusion.
Burning the midnight oil...
Monday, 18 October 2004
Just a short announcement regarding v12 support. We can confirm that CC1.0 is working perfectly on the v12 including "autobooting" PS1/PS2 homebrew and DVD video discs. We have created a video demonstrating the CC1.0 booting the homebrew application "PS2Link" from browser, which also shows the "Version Information" screen to show that it is a v12 model. Unfortunately due to bandwidth limitations, we will not be hosting the file on our own site. If you're interresting in hosting the file, please use our contact form and let us know and we will let you know where you can download the file from and we will put a link to your URL here.

We also have some more happy news! We have now gotten rid of the necessity of the "TO" connection, further reducing the number of wires required for installation. CC1.0 now requires 17 wires for v1-v7 and 18-19 wires for v8-v12, all regions. Yeah!
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